Past Construction Projects
Scroll below to see our past work. Triangle Grading and Paving, Inc is involved in many projects located throughout all of North Carolina. We provide turnkey solutions so you get site work contractors who are professional, reliable, and get the job done right the first time.

Guy Road Warehouse
Complete site development for a three-building warehouse. Site work includes clearing, erosion control, earthwork and grading, storm drain, sanitary sewer and water, curb and gutter, concrete and paving.
Location: Garner, NC

Trinity Middle School
Trinity Middle School consist of sitework for a new middle school for Randolph County Schools on a 29-acre site including a new football and baseball field. This project consists of grading, permanent ponds, four retaining walls, utilities, curb and gutter, asphalt, and offsite waterline improvements.
Location: Trinity, NC

Medline is a 102-acrew site that includes installing seven ponds for erosion control, grading for a 1.2 million square foot distribution center, installing over 11,000 ft of storm drain and over 14,000 ft of water line and sewer line. Medline Industries is the largest privately held manufacture and distributor of medical supplies with offices in twenty different countries.
Location: Mebane, NC

ABSS Southern Alamance High School
Complete site development for a new high school. Construction on the project consists of earthwork, site clearing, asphalt pavement, site utilities, concrete work, excavating and backfilling, soil erosion and sediment control, curb and gutter, and grading.
Location: Graham, NC

West Ten Industrial
Complete site development including grading, excavation, erosion control, water and sewer, road widening, and asphalt paving.
Location: Mebane, NC

Church Street Commons - Publix
Complete turnkey sitework for a new shopping center which includes retail shops, a restaurant, and a Publix. Scope of work includes erosion control, existing utilities removal, site grading and earthwork, 1,500 ft of storm draining pipe, waterline, sanitary sewer line, curb and gutter, sidewalk, asphalt paving, striping and signage.
Location: Burlington NC

North Ridge Apartments
Construction for Aventon North Ridge Apartments including erosion control, retaining walls, mass & fine grading, site utilities, building pads, curb & gutter, asphalt paving, and striping.
Location: Raleigh, NC

Rogers Spring
Rogers Spring Phase 1B is a housing subdivision with 23 lots that consist of utilities, curb & gutter, asphalt paving, and road widening.
Location: Graham, NC

Complete turnkey sitework, including; erosion control, building pad, water services, sanitary services, roof drains, curb and gutter, and asphalt.
Location: Burlington, NC

Hawbridge School
Complete turnkey sitework for a private school including, erosion control, storm drain, water services, sewer services and pump station, curb and asphalt paving.
Location: Saxapahaw, NC

Clayton Industrial
Complete site work for two new warehouses. The scope of work on this project includes erosion control, storm sewer and water, utilities, asphalt paving, curb and gutter, and grading.
Location: Clayton, N.C.

Garden Road Townhomes
Complete site development including offsite improvements, retaining walls, clearing and grubbing, mobilization, rough grading, erosion control, sanitary sewer, storm drainage, and paving.
Location: Burlington, N.C.

Carolina Legacy
Complete site development for a new indoor volleyball court. This project includes clearing and grubbing, utilities, curb and gutter, and paving.
Location: Rolesville, N.C.

Quail Commons
This project is complete site development for a brand-new medical office building. Scope of work includes earthwork and grading, storm drainage, sanitary sewer, water utility, and asphalt paving.
Location: Raleigh, N.C.

Holts Chapel Road
Widening and sidewalk improvements for Holts Chapel Road and Lowdermilk Street; including thousands of feet of waterline and storm drain, over 7500 SY of sidewalk, driveway improvements, curb & gutter, and asphalt.
Location: Greensboro, NC

Shelbourne Healthcare
Turnkey site development for a new independent living facility, including; erosion control, site prep, cut and fill, retaining walls, earthwork, and grading.
Location: Cary, NC

Stables at Harris Farms
A brand-new subdivision that consists of 41 townhomes. The scope of work on this project includes grading, utilities, curb & gutter, asphalt paving, and a permanent pond.
Location: Burlington, NC

IPXII Logistics
Scope of work includes excavation, clearing and grubbing, erosion control, grading, storm drain, curb and sidewalk, and asphalt paving.
Location: Mebane, N.C.

Crosspoint Logistics
Complete site work including earthwork, site utilities, storm drainage, curb and gutters, asphalt paving, clearing and grubbing, erosion control, grading, and sanitary sewer.
Location: Benson, N.C.

Foxhole Landfill
Phase 2 Cell 2 expansion in Mecklenburg County. Project includes clearing, earthwork, sediment and erosion control, access roads and ramps, and storm water control.
Location: Charlotte, NC

Market Street Improvements
Intersection improvements at Guilford College Road and Market Street in Western Greensboro under live traffic - including grading, drainage, utilities, signals, landscaping and paving.
Location: Greensboro, NC

Crown Honda of Southpoint
The scope of work on this project consists of erosion control, grading, utilities, curb and gutter, asphalt paving, and retaining walls.
Location: Raleigh, NC

Burlington Medical Office Park
Complete site development for a new medical office. This project consists of earthwork, storm draining, road widening, grading, paving, curb and gutter, utilities, and erosion control.
Location: Burlington, NC

I-85/Highway 321 Improvements
This multi-year project for the NCDOT in Gastonia consists of the realignment of the intersection of
I-85 with Highway 321 under live (and heavy) traffic. Scope of work includes grading, rock excavation, storm drain, utilities, bore and jack, multiple culvert installations (precast and cast-in-place), paving and signals.
Location: Gastonia, NC

Durham Elementary School
Complete turnkey sitework for an elementary school including grading, erosion control, storm drainage, sewer and water, curb and gutter, and sidewalk.
Location: Durham, NC

NCDOT Wilkes County
Road infrastructure improvements including erosion control, 900' trenchless installation of 66" welded steel under US 421 for storm drain, and temporary shoring.
Location: North Wilkesboro, NC

Reidsville House
Full sitework for an assisted living facility including erosion control, a bio-retention pond, storm drainage, retaining wall, water and sewer services, curb and asphalt paving.
Location: Reidsville, NC

Bee-Safe Storage
Complete turnkey site work, including; erosion control, mobilization, retaining walls, utility work, and paving.
Location: Burlington, NC

Johnson Lexus Pre-Owned Sales Center
Intersection improvements at Guilford College Road and Market Street in Western Greensboro under live traffic - including grading, drainage, utilities, signals, landscaping and paving.
Location: Greensboro, NC

Elon - North Quad Parking Lot
General sitework including erosion control, site clearing, grading, earthwork, asphalt paving and concrete, and storm drainage.
Location: Elon, NC

Byrdsville DG00302
New roadway in Hillsborough for re-routing of existing residential street to eliminate a railroad crossing, consisting of grading, culvert construction, drainage, utilities and paving.
Location: Hillsborough, NC

St. Marks Church Lobby
Sitework for existing jobsite including milling, erosion control, grading, utilities, asphalt, concrete, and curb & gutter.
Location: Burlington, NC

Smith Farms, Phase II
Complete turnkey site work for the development of the second phase of a large subdivision in Apex on a 30-acre site, including; bridge installation, grading, drainage, utilities, construction of a sewer outfall, sidewalk and paving.
Location: Apex, NC

South New Hope Road Improvements
This NCDOT project consists of the widening and roadway improvements of South New Hope Road in Gastonia. Scope of work includes grading, storm drain, traffic control, and paving.
Location: Gastonia, NC

Carraway Village
Complete sitework for a mixed use space, offering luxury and convenience to Orange County residents. We are currently on Phase II.
Location: Chapel Hill, NC

Harden Street Apartments
Complete turnkey site work for new apartment buildings just off of I-85/I-40 in Graham, including; grading, drainage, utilities, paving and offsite improvements.
Location: Graham, NC

Johnson Volvo Cars of Durham
Site development, including; erosion control, earthwork and grading, site retaining walls, storm drainage systems, paving, and utilities.
Location: Durham, NC

Waterside Apartments
Complete sitework for new apartment buildings, including; grading, sanitary sewer, storm drain, retaining walls, and erosion control.
Location: Graham, NC

Badcock Warehouse
Warehouse expansion consisting of grubbing, excavation, paving, erosion control, and curb & gutter.
Location: Mebane, NC

Graham Manor
Complete turnkey sitework for new apartment complex, including; mobilization, erosion control, grading, storm drainage, water & sewer, and site paving.
Location: Graham, NC

SMC Apartments
Site development for St. Marks Church Multi-Family apartments. Project consists of erosion control, grading & earthwork, utility installation & pipework, and paving.
Location: Burlington, NC

Fairfield Inn
Complete turnkey sitework including grading, utilities, curb and gutters, erosion control, asphalt and concrete paving, site grading, water distribution system, sanitary sewer system, and a complete storm drainage system.
Location: Mebane, NC

Triangle 54
Complete sitework for RHO Pharmaceutical Office Building. Project consist of grading, storm drainage, erosion & sediment control, sanitary sewer, and paving.
Location: Durham, NC

Brier Creek Storage
Construction for Brier Creek Storage buildings, including; mobilization, erosion control, earth work, storm drain, sewer & water installation, and site paving.
Location: Durham, NC

Sycamore at Tyvola Luxury Apartments
This project consists of turnkey sitework for new apartment homes off of Tyvola Road in the heart of Charlotte. Scope of work includes grading, storm drain, utilities and paving.
Location: Charlotte, NC

Autozone - Hicone Road
Site development for Autozone pad and outparcel including erosion control, earthwork & storm, paving, grading, drainage, road widening, and utilities.
Location: Greensboro, N.C.

Battleground Car Caves
Complete site work for storage unit additions to a previously completed Bee Safe & Wine Cellar project; including grading, retaining walls, utilities, sidewalk, and asphalt.
Location: Greensboro, NC

Project Sweet "Amada"
​Complete turkey sitework that includes a 261,732 sq. ft. production facility for Amada America on 24 acres. Scope of work includes; grading, asphalt paving, a massive retaining wall, thousands of feet of storm drain, waterline, and curb & gutter.
Location: High Point, NC

Croasdaile Village, Phases I & II
Complete turnkey site work in an existing retirement community for the addition of 17 new cottages, 4 new six-plex villas, 18 memory care suites, an assisted living center, new guardhouse, amenity center, maintenance building, prayer garden and numerous parking lots spread over 25 acres consisting of grading, thousands of feet of new drainage and utilities, a permanent pond, retaining walls and paving.
Location: Durham, NC

Senator Ralph Scott Grading
Major erosion control and grading package on a 50 acre site for a shell warehouse for Windsor Commercial for later development.
Location: Mebane, N.C.

Complete sitework for shell warehouse that we are building for Samet, across the street from Walmart distribution center. This is approximately a 16 acre site.
Location: Mebane, N.C.

Lowes at Greystone
Sitework construction of a grocery store and in-line stores as part of a shopping center, including; erosion control, grading, retaining walls, storm drainage, waterlines, sanitary sewers, site concrete, stone base, landscaping, and asphalt.
Location: Cary, NC

Powell Place Apartments
Site development for a 264 unit multi-family complex. Scope of work includes; grading, utilities, curb and gutter, retaining walls, asphalt paving and a permanent pond.
Location: Pittsboro, N.C.

Alamance West Apartments
Complete turnkey site work for new apartment buildings, access improvements for Highland Elementary School, turn lane improvements on Bonnar Bridge Parkway, and roadway widening along University Drive; including grading, drainage, retaining walls, utilities, sidewalk, signals, and paving.
Location: Burlington, NC

Carver Street Extension
Over one mile of new roadway connecting Danube Lane with Old Oxford Highway in Durham, consisting of grading, storm drains, permanent basins, landscaping, signals, sidewalks and pavement.
Location: Durham, NC

Eastgate 540
Full sitework for a commercial warehouse building complex, 9.65 AC Building. Project includes; erosion control, storm drain, retaining wall, water and sewer services, and paving. For Spectrum Drive: storm, water and sewer services, curb and asphalt paving.
Location: Knightdale, NC

Akiba Bridge Widening - NC Zoo
This project consisted of widening the Akiba Village Bridge, approaches, and retaining wall located at the North Carolina Zoo.
Location: Asheboro, NC

All-In Mini Storage
Complete turnkey site work for new storage units in Western Greensboro - including grading, drainage, utilities and paving.
Location: Greensboro, NC