Current Construction Projects
Scroll below to see our current work. Triangle Grading and Paving, Inc is involved in many projects located throughout all of North Carolina. We provide turnkey solutions so you get site work contractors who are professional, reliable, and get the job done right the first time.

Buckhorn Industrial
The complete site development for this job site involves a series of essential tasks, starting with earthwork, followed by clearing and grading. This is complemented by the installation of curb and gutter systems, alongside the construction of a storm drainage system to prevent flooding. Excavation work is then carried out, culminating in the application of asphalt.
Location: Mebane, NC

Jefferson Village
The work at this job site encompasses a comprehensive range of essential tasks, including erosion control, grading, and paving. Crews are diligently installing sanitary sewer and water systems, all while undertaking clearing and cut to fill operations.
Location: Greensboro, NC

Durham School of Arts
The scope of work for this project includes crucial tasks such as grading to create a level foundation, along with the installation of essential utilities like sanitary and water lines. Additionally, the project encompasses the implementation of effective storm drainage systems. To protect the environment and enhance site stability, erosion control measures are also being integrated. ​​​
Location: Durham, NC

Toyota Battery Manufacturing
Toyota's impressive 1,800-acre mega site is set to accommodate a cutting-edge manufacturing plant dedicated to a new generation of vehicles. Our scope of work for this expansive project encompasses key activities such as erosion control, clearing and grubbing, grading and drainage, and the installation of necessary utilities for operational efficiency.
Location: Liberty, NC

Truby Drive
The complete site development for the 579,000-square-foot warehouse building involves several critical tasks. This includes earthwork, curb and sidewalk installation, and erosion control measures. Additionally, clearing and grading, and utility installations.
Location: Graham, NC

Innovation Logistics
This project encompasses comprehensive site work that includes essential tasks such as earthwork, the installation of site utilities, the construction of curb and gutter systems, asphalt paving and erosion control measures. The project also features storm drainage and sanitary sewer installations, along with sidewalks for pedestrian access and traffic control measures to ensure safety during construction and ongoing operations.
Location: Salisbury, NC

GSO Equipment Services Garage
The scope of work for this project encompasses a variety of components. Earthwork is the foundational step, involving the excavation and movement of soil. Storm drainage systems will be installed. Erosion control measures will be implemented. Asphalt paving will provide a durable surface for vehicles and pedestrians. Finally, curb and gutter installations will enhance drainage and delineate roadways.
Location: Greensboro, NC

Kit Creek
The complete site development for the upcoming multifamily community apartment building spans nearly 16 acres and involves a comprehensive scope of work. This includes clearing and grubbing, implementing erosion control measures, and performing earthwork and grading. Additionally, the project includes the installation of curb and gutter systems, concrete work, and storm sewer and drainage. Traffic control measures will also be put in place to ensure safety.
Location: Cary, NC

Davis Park East
The jobsite involves a variety of tasks that are essential for preparing the land for development. Key activities include earthwork, along with clearing and grubbing, and erosion control measures. Rough and finish grading, installation of storm sewer systems, curb and gutter construction, and site concrete work.
Location: Durham, NC

Carolina Pines
The complete site development for this Resort Lifestyle Community encompasses a comprehensive range of activities aimed at creating an inviting and functional environment. The scope of work includes clearing and grubbing, followed by earthwork and grading, and asphalt paving will be implemented. Additionally, erosion and sediment control measures will be put in place.
Location: Greensboro, NC

Middlefields Towns
The complete turnkey sitework for this subdivision encompasses a range of services. This includes implementing effective erosion control measures, as well as boring under the road for the installation of sanitary sewer and water services. Additionally, curb and gutter systems will be constructed, asphalt paving for roadways, along with the creation of lot pads, providing a prepared and level area.
Location: Graham, NC​

Rockingham Youth Development Center
This project includes essential erosion control measures, along with the development of an efficient storm drainage system. The installation of 3,850 feet of waterline will ensure reliable water services, paired with the construction of a sewer pump station. The project also features asphalt paving for roads, complemented by curb and gutter systems.
Location: Reidsville, NC

Trollingwood Townes
The complete sitework for this new townhome subdivision involves key elements including erosion control measures, meticulous grading, and the installation of a retaining wall. Essential utilities such as stormwater management systems, water lines, and sanitary sewer connections will be integrated seamlessly. The project will also feature curb and gutter systems, reinforced stone base, and both concrete and asphalt paving.
Location: Haw River, N.C.

NC A&T Bluford Dorm
The construction project at NC A&T Bluford Dorm will encompass a range of essential activities. Key components include earthwork and grading, along with the installation of vital site utilities. Paving will also be carried out and erosion control measures will be implemented. Additionally, curb and gutter systems will be installed.
Location: Greensboro, N.C.

Orange County EMS
The construction for this project encompasses a comprehensive range of activities, including erosion control measures, precise grading, and the installation of storm drains. Additionally, the project involves the construction of water and sanitary sewer systems, complemented by asphalt paving for durable road surfaces and concrete work for various structural elements.
Location: Hillsborough, N.C.

Kersey Valley Road Realignment
The Kersey Valley Road Realignment project range of construction activities designed to improve the roadway's effectiveness and safety. Key activities include the installation of vital utilities, alongside effective erosion control measures. The project will also involve the use of both asphalt and concrete materials. Additionally, subgrade work will be conducted.
Location: High Point, N.C.

EM Holt Elementary School
The construction project at EM Holt Elementary School is focused on enhancing the parking lot and overall traffic management to improve safety and accessibility for students, staff, and families. Key activities will include site clearing, erosion control, and excavation. The installation of asphalt and concrete paving and storm drainage utilities.
Location: Burlington, N.C.

Forysth County
This project involves the construction of a new road designed to enhance connectivity while incorporating bicycle and pedestrian accommodations for increased safety and accessibility. The work will encompass grading, drainage improvements, paving, and installation of traffic signals. Additionally, culverts will be integrated into the design.
Location: Kernersville, N.C.

Samet Road Extension
The Samet Drive Extension project will encompass essential activities such as clearing and grubbing to prepare the site for construction, along with traffic control measures to ensure safety during the process. Asphalt paving will also be implemented and the installation of necessary utilities.
Location: High Point, N.C.